Electric Vehicles to charge in just 10 minutes!
Engineers have developed a method that enables the charging of electric vehicle batteries in under 10 minutes. The new technology will allow for new fast-charging techniques that will allow drivers to add up to 200 miles to their EV's range.
Perhaps the biggest con to going green with EV's in most peoples eyes is the worry of running out of charge, not just that, but also the time that it takes to recharge your vehicle once the battery has run out. This reason for people's hesitance to make the step to EV could soon be quickly forgotten, however. As an expert team of engineers have reportedly created a fast-charging battery that can recharge in less than 10 minutes.
This if implemented, will allow motorists to make quick service station stops and have the car recharged, by the time they have used the bathroom and grabbed a bite to eat. Thus eliminating any anxiety that many feel when worrying about EV's running out of charge whilst on the road.
This is very welcome news, as it has been well documented that the UK Government's ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars is set to come into effect by 2040. With Scotland setting their ban to come into effect by 2032. UK committee's on climate change believe their date should be brought forward like Scotland's to around 2030 or at the very latest, 2035. It is also worth noting that many predict electric vehicles will be roughly the same price as traditionally powered vehicles by around 2025.
The engineers leading this potentially game changing technology, claim that not only can the battery be recharged in record breaking quick time, it can also be charged many, many times before a replacement will be required.
Professor Chao-Yang Wang at Penn State, who is involved in this groundbreaking technology explained: "We demonstrated that we can charge an electrical vehicle in 10 minutes for a 200 to 300-mile range, and we can do this maintaining 2,500 charging cycles, or the equivalent of half a million miles of travel. The 10-minute trend is for the future and is essential for adoption of electric vehicles because it solves the range anxiety problem,"
Exciting times ahead for the future of the EV industry it would seem.
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