More than 40 fires a week are caused in England due to faulty appliances

In England faulty appliances are causing over 40 fires a week, this documented in a report by ElectricalDirect. They found that everyday appliances caused roughly 15,000 accidental fires in homes across England between April 2019 to March 2020.
In the study, it was revealed that toasters, cookers, and hobs were the most likely appliances to cause fires. Faulty cookers were responsible for as many as 8,000 accidental fires between 2019/2020.
That is more than 50% of the total fires caused by appliances in England. Coming in at second were hot plates with 11%, with toasters at third with 9%.
It was found that the most common causes of accidental fires from appliances were to either put the household items too close to sources of heat, misuse of them, or general faults.
The top 10 rankings for the most likely household appliances to cause an accidental fire were:
1. Cookers/Ovens.
2. Hot plates
3. Toasters/Grills
4. Microwave
5. Tumble dryer
6. Washing machine
7. Fridge/Freezer
8. Dishwasher
9. Deep fat fryer
10. Extractor fan
Faulty appliances accounted for 15% of appliance fires, that was 2.2k in 2019/20 which equates too 43 fires a week in England.
The top 10 rankings for appliances that caused the most fires purely down to being faulty were:
1. Washing machine
2. Tumble dryer
3. Cooker/Oven
4. Fridge/Freezer
5. Dishwasher
6. Extractor fan
7. Toaster/Grill
8. Other domestic appliances
9. Microwave
10. Washer/dryer combination
ElectricalDirect are urging those that purchase new appliances to ensure they are registering them and to stay up to date with UK Government’s Product Recall page.
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