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What are the HSE looking for?

When HSE attend your site they are looking for specific things, these include;

🔎Obvious faults – such as exposed or dangerous conductors

🔎Competence – the ability to recognise and prevent danger

🔎Access protocols – barriers and clear warnings

🔎Maintenance and records – are your records neat? Can you access them easily? Is there a better way of keeping records?

You need to be able to protect yourself, fellow Dutyholders and your business – though it is not necessarily what you do, it is how you do it.

Therefore, it may be less a matter of what you do and more a matter of:

  • How you do what you do – the methods and systems you choose to adopt.

  • Where you do it – the environment you create and the state of the equipment etc.

  • Who does it – the competence of those within your site to perform their tasks in a safe manner.

Under Health & Safety legislation, a Dutyholder has responsibilities to provide:

  • Information – Signage showing fire points and fire exits.

  • Instruction – You tell everyone by various means how to access exits, the routes, assembly points etc.

  • Training – You hold fire drills and simulated emergency procedures

  • Supervision – you appoint fire wardens to oversee the system

The extent of what has to be provided depends on things such as your undertakings, environment, complexity or processes etc.

These building blocks of safety will keep you safe, in business and within the law.

If you are a commercial business that requires electrical testing and inspection, to ensure electrical compliance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team, you can contact us here: 01604 696113 |


ReportSafe link
Promptus website link
Volt Logic website link
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Since 2003 we have been delivering the highest quality in Electrical Inspection & Testing to clients nationwide.

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