The devastating impact of overloading sockets with Christmas lighting
With Christmas being such a hectic time of year, it is common for simple safety checks and procedures to be missed, often resulting in accidents occuring. Plugging too many lights into sockets and extension leads can cause the plug in the wall socket to overheat, melt or potentially catch fire.

Above are some examples of the results of overloading electric sockets and using faulty heaters, and below is a simple guide to avoiding these types of accidents occuring.
Check lights and any other electrical appliances Christmas decorations over before putting them up. If cables are frayed or fittings damaged in any way, dispose of them
Switch all lights and electrical decorations off at night and when leaving house
Always unplug lights before watering the Christmas tree
Check that any lights being used outside are safe and designed for external use - and keep plugs and transformers indoors
Don't overload electrical sockets - At this time of year it can be tempting to plug extension cables into each other, but this can lead to overheating and electrical fires
Keep Christmas cards and decorations away from lights, heaters and fires
Ensure guests know how to switch off fires and heaters and show them how to get out of the house if there's an emergency in the night.
Nik Turner, an executive director at 'believe housing' said, "With Christmas around the corner, many people will be plugging in fairy lights and buying electrical gifts. We know times are tough and people might be looking for cheaper ways to heat their home."
With this in mind, it is important to prioritise safety and remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.
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