Our accreditations - why its important to consult a multiple accredited contractor

Accreditation is the recognition of credibility, authority or ability in a given field.
Accredited means an organisation has embraced best practices. It shows that a company has invested the time and effort to meet or exceed client expectations.
Additionally, workers are required to develop their knowledge and skill-sets to stay up-to-date with the latest industry standards. As a result, it builds your confidence and trust since you have tangible evidence that a given business offers the required safety and quality levels.
Accreditation can involve rigorous auditing and assessments. Organisations are required to not only standardize their procedures and processes, but to also document and implement them. In that case, accredited companies are known to have effective systems that lead to customer satisfaction.
Today, organisations are being held to high levels of accountability by the general public and customers. The good news, accreditation is proof that the company is willing to go above and beyond the minimum required by the law. And with accountability and transparency, you’re assured of a better working relationship with a contractor.
Accreditation is an indicator of competence. It demonstrates a company has attained a certain level of expertise in an area. In addition, an accredited firm is committed to keeping their skills and knowledge up-to-date and this helps build customer confidence.
Having multiple accreditations gives you confidence that the work will be done to best practice. At Protest ES Ltd we have numerous accreditations, giving our clients assurances that we are able to perform any role they require.
If you are a commercial business that requires electrical testing and inspection, to ensure electrical compliance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team, you can contact us here: 01604 696113 | enquiries@protestesltd.co.uk.