Calling all Landlords - You could claim government grants for EV charging points
The EV chargepoint grant for landlords gives financial support to landlords and other entities to buy and install electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints at residential or commercial properties in the UK.
To access the grant, a landlord must first register. Installers approved by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) can then make claims for work completed on their behalf.
The grant provides funding towards the cost of buying and installing EV chargepoints.
Chargepoints may be able to charge one or more vehicles simultaneously, depending on the number of sockets they have.
The grant amount given is per chargepoint socket installed. It provides up to 75% of the cost towards the purchase and installation of a chargepoint socket, limited to £350 per grant.
Landlords can receive up to 200 grants a year for residential properties, and a further 100 for commercial properties.
These may be across a number of properties and installations or just for one property.
The grant is provided by OZEV.
Who can apply?
This grant is for entities that rent, lease or manage residential or commercial properties (referred to hereafter as landlords) and want to install EV chargepoints on their properties.
You may apply for this grant if you are one of the following:
landlord of a property that lets the property
right to manage (RTM) company
companies owning the freehold of a leased or rented property
companies owning a building’s common areas. The company may comprise shareholders who are the leaseholders. The company may also manage the building
property factor listed here in the property factor register
private registered providers of social housing (PRP)
public authorities, such as government departments and their agencies, the armed forces, local governments, the NHS and emergency services
You will be referred to as a landlord hereafter if you are one of the above.
You must be registered at Companies House. If not, you must be VAT registered with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). If you are not registered at either, you will not be eligible for the grant.
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