What is ReportSafe?

ReportSafe is a fully electronic storage, retrieval and documentation management system that allows duty holders access to information in seconds, 24/7, from any device.
ReportSafe helps organisations like yours comply with the law and maintain a safe electrical installation for both the peace of mind for dutyholders and the safety of the people in the organisation.
ReportSafe ensures your records are always current, accurate and consolidated, with a full version history to ensure you are demonstrating compliance with the law.
Furthermore if Protest ES Ltd undertake the testing program then ReportSafe is free meaning expenditure on testing and administration can reduce over time.
Why use ReportSafe?
✔️ Instant access
✔️ Flexible Workflows
✔️ Improved Mobility
✔️ Find Everything Faster
✔️ Improved Security
✔️ 24/7 Access
If you are a commercial business that requires electrical testing and inspection, to ensure electrical compliance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team, you can contact us here: 01604 696113 | enquiries@protestesltd.co.uk.