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Potential trouble on campus resolved

Updated: Jun 27, 2022

We were recently faced with a very worrying potential electrical & fire hazard when visiting one of our client sites. The issue was located in a student accommodation block at one of the UK's leading universities.

The issue - a dangerous C1 found by our lead engineer.

The cause - a loose termination on the outgoing side of a 40 amp MCB.

Resolved - due to this being a high current demand on the load it could have easily caused a serious fire in the accommodation block! Thankfully our lead engineer got to this before any harm could be caused, resolving the issue and making it safe. Leaving the client happy and us happy that we've prevented something that if left, could have been devastating.

The experience, like many we've encountered over time, serves as another reminder why it is absolutely imperative that we perform these tests and inspections, to be sure that any unidentified and potential hazards, are neutralized.

Please, please, please, if you are not confident that your site is completely safe from these types of hazards, make the smart decision like our clients did. Addressing this by scheduling the routine testing and inspections required from a registered professional to ensure that you are covered both safety wise and legally as well.

If you require any support or advice with the electrical and fire safety at your site, contact - 01604 696113 today.

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Since 2003 we have been delivering the highest quality in Electrical Inspection & Testing to clients nationwide.

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