Wiring scandal highlights the importance of electrical testing the right way

Popular online publication, E&T, has discovered the improper testing and inspection of wiring inside of both commercial and residential buildings across the UK, increasing the risk of fires.
According to E&T, a deficient regulatory framework has spurred a "race to the bottom," where some companies profit at the expense of the safety of the general public.
A new rule requiring landlords to conduct an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) on their properties every five years was first introduced in 2020, however, E&T discovered that despite this, many electricians are still performing insufficient checks.
In some instances, contractors falsely approve dangerous houses, while in others, they upsell unnecessary upgrades. 'Drive-by inspections,' where contractors fill out paperwork without even entering the properties, and that undercut genuine firms endangering lives, have all been reported by E&T.
According to an industry insider, these fraudulent acts are made possible by a voluntary competency assessment system that grants dishonest or inept enterprises "a veneer of legitimacy”. It all comes down to who is permitted to use the title "electrician" and the lack of appropriate authorisation, as stated by another.
The government has mandated a review of the inspection process, but insists that the industry bear more of the burden for raising standards in the field. Critics from the Labour Party claim that doing so, amounts to shifting responsibility and that further deregulation puts people living in privately leased homes in danger.
At Protest ES Ltd, we urge any person(s) looking to consult an electrician or electrical contractor, first ensures that they are qualified and accredited by multiple respectable governing bodies. Organisations such as The NICEIC and equivalent accreditors should be the required as a bare minimum of qualification.
If you are a commercial business that requires electrical testing and inspection, to ensure electrical compliance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team, you can contact us here: 01604 696113 | enquiries@protestesltd.co.uk.