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Why we urge clients to ensure that they comply with new 18th edition regulations

With changes to the IET 18th Edition Wiring Regulations now in force, Protest is stressing the importance of complying with the new regulations amongst electrical contractors and building designers.

The second amendment to the regulations was officially introduced in March 2022, however until now the former regulations – BS 7671:2018+A1:2020 – were still applicable. The recent changes represent a full-scale review of the 18th Edition, with most parts of the wiring regulations having seen some changes.

The amendments to the 18th Edition regulations are not retrospective and apply only to new installations designed from 27th September 2022. However, with the changes having been published over half a year ago, many businesses will have been getting ahead of the curve and implementing changes over the past few months.

As well as business leaders understanding the changes, it’s also their responsibility to educate and prepare their teams, embedding compliance to these regulations into business best practice going forward.

As the deadline has now passed, there is little time for businesses to get up to speed on the new 18th Edition wiring regulations. It is advised that those that haven’t done so already examine the amendment to truly understand how the changes work in practice and what your business may need to do to catch up.

If you require support with any of the above mentioned or wish to learn more about these new regulations, please feel free to reach out to a member of our team: 01604 696113 or


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